It can affect your entire body or just your scalp and it is possible it is a temporary situation versus permanent.
Usually, humans shed between 50 and 100 single hairs per day. It is part of a natural balance with some hairs falling out while others are growing in. There is a cycle to hair growth, Growing Phase, Transition Phase and Resting Phase. When the balance or cycle is interrupted; hair falling out with less hair growing in — hair loss happens. Alopecia hair loss is different than hair shedding.
The term baldness or balding refers to the hair loss on your scalp. You could have gradual thinning, patchy spots, or more of a sudden change. Some hair loss is caused by medical conditions, medication or medical treatment such as chemotherapy. Hormones can affect your hair i.e., childbirth or menopause. Diet and hairstyle weigh in as does stress. Age is also a big factor as is heredity.
You could experience different types of hair loss, gradual thinning on top of head, Circular or patchy bald spots, or Sudden loosening of hair. Men tend to lose hair at the top of the head, women tend to have a wider part line when thinning.
“There’s many a man has more hair than wit.” -William Shakespeare
The bottom line is, no matter what the cause, you want your beautiful head of hair back. Let’s use wit to conquer hair loss.
Dr. Savarino has been using Regenerative Medicine to help his patients battle with hair loss. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a natural medical treatment that uses a concentration of platelet cells from the patient’s own body. The platelets used have growth factors that are believed to promote natural healing and rejuvenate damaged hair follicles tissue. The procedure appears to clinically reactivate hair that is not growing, strengthen existing hair and prolong to longevity of thinning hair.
PRP Therapy will typically help improve the growth of existing hairs, it will increase the growing phase of hair, reduces hair fall, and reverses thinning which ultimately gives density. Initially, you will see improvement in hair fall, the visible changes can be seen after 4-6 months.
The number of treatments is always determined by the severity of your hair loss. After the initial consultation, a patient care plan will be created that will help meet the needs.
To address hormone imbalance, stress, environmental factors, metabolism and nutrition, we have welcomed Nutrafol to our practice. These scientifically developed supplements are clinically tested to show improvement in hair growth and health using medical grade botanicals.
Come and speak with Dr. Savarino, a highly skilled physician with over 10 years of experience. He has brought cutting-edge technology and new trends in medicine to Central Monmouth County to benefit his patients. He will be happy to discuss and address your medical questions and concerns with an individualized treatment plan.
In no time, you will look and feel the way you had, and even better.