, Skincare Treatments for Aging Skin or AcneWhether you are battling medical issues like long-time acne or rosacea or just looking to enhance your appearance removing wrinkles or discoloration, your skincare products can make a significant difference. We all know that when you feel good and look good, your confidence and mood is boosted noticeably

At Apex Center for Regenerative Medicine, in addition to sports medicine, pain management and body contouring we also focus on skincare and youthful, healthy looking skin using Aesthetic Medicine.

Aesthetic Medicine, a fairly new medical term, are medical procedures that are aimed at improving the physical appearance and satisfaction of the patient, using non-invasive procedures to give you back the beauty you have always had.

While sometimes offered by dermatologists and plastic surgeons, our practice embraces these procedures and products to achieve an overall look and feel of total health and vitality for our patients. We want you to feel great and look even better, to be able to enjoy life and minimize the effects of aging.

The first sign of colder weather brings chapped lips and dry skin in a heartbeat. While high summer temperatures make your skin produce more oil, cold weather has the reverse effect. Low temps are accompanied by less humidity outdoors and drying conditions produced by home heating and fires indoors. Add a little wind to the equation and that we typically drink less fluids in the winter and result is poorer skin hydration, that is, dry, flaky, and itchy skin.

As part of our Aesthetic Medicine program, after much research, we have partnered with Jan Marini Skin Research, (JMSR). JMSR is a recognized leader and innovator in skin care that is committed to continually expanding and improving the professional skin care market. JMSR’s two primary focuses are to provide innovative technologies that deliver proven measurable results and an unwavering commitment to the ongoing success of our customers.

As the winner of more NewBeauty Awards than any other company and backed by multiple peer-reviewed studies published in medical journals, JMSR is committed to ensure our skin care products deliver results. By holding our products to this higher standard, we create products that not only transform your skin, but that you’ll want to use, thereby increasing compliance and maximizing results.

extensive line of skincare products is a real game changer and life changer.  A picture is worth 1,000 words, checkout the before and after. You know this patient is walking around with a smile on her face and her head held high, making eye contact and great impressions on everyone she meets!


, Skincare Treatments for Aging Skin or AcneHow wonderful to be able to give yourself a gift of a youthful look of vitality!  Even better, give the gift to someone else and make 2023 a year for them to remember. The gift of skin care shows how much you care whether it is a stocking stuffer or a complete skin care routine